Good afternoon. I write in this forum because I would love to find someone both The Sims 2 and The Sims 4, I explain why: I found this build in The Sims 2 (…-halliwell.html) and I would love to know if someone could convert the textures of this club made in Sims2pack to a package of The Sims 4. You would make me very happy if someone converted them 🙏🏼. In advance, I thank you with all my heart. Receive a big hug, take good care of you.

I have a texture conversion request
vpurple89 -
9 April 2021 at 20:16 -
Hi there, I sent a message to the creator as they don't allow use of their stuff without permission. They haven't been active on MTS for a while though, so it may take a while until they reply (if at all) and/or they might not give permission.
Please understand that we have a rather strict policy of only using creations by others with permission. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from them.
It might well be that they didn't create the textures from scratch. Very likely they took existing textures from other websites and just turned them into Sims 2 walls and floors. So if you might want to have a look at free texture websites. If you can find the textures we might be able to turn them into Sims 4 wallpapers.
Hello! thanks for answering me. Regarding the person who uploaded that to MTS ..., don't bother talking to him, it won't do any good, or that person has vanished from life or is simply a rude person who does not respond to messages private, I am tired of trying to communicate with that person and there is no way. Again, thanks for responding.
Regarding free sites ... I don't know where to look, I'm not fluent in this world. Thank you, anyway, for your time.
Hm... this floor on pictures 2 and 4 looks very familiar to me... maybe it's a Sims2 texture. I'm just starting homecrafter to look whether there is something like that...
Yes, there is an EA floor like that! It's grey, and this creator seems just to have made some recolours with it.
I'll try to make one for the Sims 4, and a wall, too
Hm... this floor on pictures 2 and 4 looks very familiar to me... maybe it's a Sims2 texture. I'm just starting homecrafter to look whether there is something like that...
Yes, there is an EA floor like that! It's grey, and this creator seems just to have made some recolours with it.
I'll try to make one for the Sims 4, and a wall, too
Thanks mammut for being so observant! I'm really terrible at this since I barely know how to build 😂 I know how to convert .package things but when it comes to Sims2pack or Sims3pack ... I don't know how to convert it 😭
I didn't have to take sim2packs, I just had to start the TS2 homecrafter und extract the EA texture.
Then of course I had to adjust them to TS4-walls, they have to match with three hights as you might know, then start Sims 4 Studio und import these adjusted textures into a wall and a floor.
I hope they are the ones you were looking for - please see here (scroll down)
Download is here
When I have time I will look fot the other textures (maybe the brickwalls are from EA, too). But I'll be busy with my family next week, so it may take some days...
I have seen them, thank you! I really think you did a great job of observing despite the size of the photos, since I think you have achieved the perfect conversion. I love! I thank you very much.
Thank you for your kind words, vpurple - I hope you enjoy them in your game