Good afternoon. I write in this forum because I feel desperate. I would like to have in my game of The Sims 4 this sofa from The Sims 3 that I attach in the image but the only person I can find who has converted it, simply, has not responded to my download request, because there is nothing on her blog easy to download and I was wondering if there was someone here who could convert it, it would do me a big favor. Many thanks!

Can anyone convert this couch from The Sims 3 to The Sims 4?
- Sims 4
vpurple89 -
15 December 2021 at 17:32 -
Unfortunately the picture is very dark and you can't really see what kind of sofa it is. Do you still have a picture of the sofa where you can see it better?
Also, do you happen to know which EP it comes from/who made it? It doesn't look very familiar to me.
Unfortunately the picture is very dark and you can't really see what kind of sofa it is. Do you still have a picture of the sofa where you can see it better? I took it from this video, at minute 15:22, it appears
Also, do you happen to know which EP it comes from/who made it? It doesn't look very familiar to me. I have no idea what you are asking me, I took it from this video, at minute 15:22, it appears
-…conversion.html this is the person who has converted it but, as I say, she doesn't provide facilities to download it
Okay, I found the sofa.
I hope you like it
Ladyatir16 December 2021 at 00:02 -
Wow, that was fast, Ladyatir! Thank you!
I love it!!!!!
I love it!!!!! I'm speechless ... wake up in the morning and see this wonder of recreation ... I'm speechless .... tyvm, I love it!
Hihi, Norn it was just what I needed as a little distraction.
I am happy that I was able to make you happy with this little surprise vpurple.
Hihi, Norn it was just what I needed as a little distraction.
I am happy that I was able to make you happy with this little surprise vpurple.
you made me very happy!
actually, in this forum, you have never disappointed me
8 September 2022 at 16:02 Closed the thread.